- 1960 Hans Wagner establishes the company as manufacturer of electrotechnical items
- 1975 Giuseppe and Christa Ciron take over the Company
- 1998 The Quality Management System is assessed by VDE according to DIN EN ISO 9001
- 2006 Christian Ciron becomes Managing Director
- 2007 Cooperation with Far East is established
2008 HAWA enlarges the range of power supply cords covering all the world's plug types
- 2009 HAWA can supply all types of power cords according to the motto "We find for any customer demand the right power connection"
- 2013 Start of online business
- 2013 The product range is enlarged with power supplies of well-known manufacturers like MeanWell and Phihong
- 2014 Cooperation with Amm-Logistics for improving the Far East business
- 2017 Completition of the new warehouse over 400 sqm, with high shelf system and new in-and-out logistic
- 2020 HAWA celebrates the 60-year Jubileum
- 2022 Transition to sustainable energy (pellet heating, electromobility)